10 Incredible Health Benefits of Fruit Powders

   5 min read time

Mar 17, 2022


Fruit powders are incredibly versatile, highly nutritious, and exceptionally flavorful!

It's likely that your favorite fruit is now available year-round, offering the same taste and nutrition you expect.

How is this achieved?

Once your favorite fruit is freeze-dried or carefully dehydrated, it is ground into a powder.

The dehydrated powder perfectly preserves most of the nutrition (about 95%). We then store it in a temperature-controlled environment sealed in an airtight pouch before carefully transporting it from our warehouse to dinner tables all over the world.

But the question is:

Are fruit powders as good as eating fresh
apples, blueberries, or other super fruits?

Our wonderful customers say “yes!” 

While this answer may surprise you, here are 10 incredible benefits of fruit powders:

1. Fruit powders are full of flavor

Fruit powders are typically so delicious and nutritious because they are more concentrated than the whole fresh fruit. Before milling the fruit into a powder, the drying process extracts the water, which leaves a more flavorful concentrated pulp. This enhances the flavor and nutritional profile of the fruit. 

You can use the powders to add color and texture to food and drinks by using them in place of artificial flavors and colors. From a deep blue acai berry to delicious red tart cherry, you literally get the best part of your favorite fruits, rich in the same colors and flavors you know and enjoy.

2. Fruit powders retain high levels of nutrition

Unlike “natural flavors” that are so common in most of today’s processed foods, our fruit powders have no artificial chemicals and no additives that inhibit the natural nutritional value. 

Instead, our fruit powders retain about 95% of their nutritional potency, so they are reliable sources of essential antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and fiber.

For example, our Freeze-Dried Organic Goji Berry Powder packs 500 times more vitamin C than an equivalent orange while containing more beta carotene than carrots. And our Organic Apple powder contains all 18 naturally occurring amino acids, magnesium, potassium, zinc, pectin, fiber, and other nutrients you’d expect from a fresh apple. 

3. Fruit powders are very versatile

Fruit powders let you get extra creative with your recipes and favorite foods. Whether you want to boost your recipe's nutrient profile or infuse it with vibrant colors and flavors, fruit powders let you have fun and experiment with wonderfully healthy food! 

Fruit powders really are the darlings of cooks and bakers because of their concentrated flavor and considerable shelf life. In short, you can use your fruit powders as snacks, sprinkled on yogurt, in smoothies, in baking, making beverages, nutrition bars, sweets, and much more!

4. Fruit powders are a friend to vegan and vegetarian lifestyles

If you choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, fruit powders open up a healthy, wide array of wonderful options. For example, our Coconut milk powder is an absolutely awesome substitute for people who prefer a dairy-free alternative, have lactose intolerance, or are allergic to animal milk. Plus, it's loaded with healthy fats and tastes delicious.

Our coconut milk powder is just one example. Our Organic Cashew Milk Powder made from raw cashews, which are technically considered a fruit, is another absolutely delicious vegan option.

5. Fruit powders may support healthy digestion

Many of our fruit powders are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which may support a healthy digestive system and act as prebiotics to feed your probiotics resulting in overall digestive health.

A great example is Organic Noni Fruit Powder which contains components that may promote healthy digestion. Our raw, whole fruit, organic Noni powder may help support a healthy digestive system and support healthy energy and overall vitality. You might also look to our Organic Baobab fruit powder.

6. Fruit powders are rich in antioxidants

Most fruit powders, such as Purple Aronia powder, have beneficial antioxidant properties. This purple powerhouse berry is packed with polyphenols and has one of the highest antioxidant scores (ORAC) of any natural food.

Aronia berries have higher anthocyanin and flavonoid levels than blueberries, cranberries, pomegranates, and acai berries! The secret to Purple Aronia's power lies in its deep coloring. Their intense purple color is the result of a potent concentration of antioxidant phytochemicals.

Our freeze-dried blueberry powder is a treasure trove of antioxidants like anthocyanins, vitamin C, B complex, vitamins E and A, copper, selenium, manganese, zinc, dietary fiber, iron.  

7. Fruit powders encourage a healthy immune system response

Getting great nutrition means ensuring you supply your body with the right nutrients to fuel a proper immune system in response to harmful invaders. A deficiency in essential nutrients can affect how the body's immune system responds. 

For example, our Organic Freeze-dried Acai berry powder contains an optimal combination of essential amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E. Nutrients like these may help the immune system protect healthy cells, support growth and activity of immune cells, and may even produce antibodies. Those who aren't getting adequate nutrients such as these may have a more significant risk of bacterial, viral, and other infections.

8. Fruit powders can support a healthy weight 

Fruit powders may promote fullness, which can help your healthy weight loss journey. For instance, Baobab Fruit Powder may help curb cravings, ensuring that you eat less.

And since most fruit powders have fiber, they play a critical role in helping you minimize the amount of food you eat, providing more satiety per meal. Some fruit powders may also improve your metabolism, helping your body burn more fat while at rest.

And the best part is that fruit powders taste so good and are so full of vitamins and minerals you can freely enjoy your favorite fruit all year long instead of reaching for a highly processed soda, chip, cookie, or other snacks that will take your weight loss journey off track. Fruit powders are the best!

9. Fruit powders have a longer shelf life

No more wasting your favorite fruits because they spoiled before you could eat them!

It’s now safe to get fruit powders in 1 lb sizes, 5 lb sizes, or even in bulk quantities, knowing the excellent fruit powders you bought from Z Natural Foods have a longer shelf life than grocery store apples, raspberries, oranges, bananas, blueberries, etc.

Fruit powders have a long shelf life because of their preparation process and airtight packaging. Again, there are no added chemicals and preservatives in Z Natural Foods fruit powders; the long shelf life is because of careful attention to the best quality dehydration, freeze-drying techniques, and extremely careful, airtight packaging and storing procedures. 

10. Fruit powders are affordable

Let’s face it, buying whole fruit for daily consumption can get pretty expensive. 

And unfortunately, there is no end in sight on how high prices may go.

Our fruit powders make a lot of sense since they contain all the nutritional benefits of natural fruit and have a much longer shelf life, with most not needing refrigeration. 

In fact, you can buy fruit powders in bulk at affordable prices and take all the time you need to consume them.

We hope you enjoy our Fruit Powders

Without a doubt, fruit powders have tons of delicious benefits. 

The best thing about fruit powders is that they are always ready for you. 

Once you get used to their benefits, you might be hooked on how tasty, versatile, nutritious and affordable fruit powders truly are.

You are invited to try your favorite fruit in powdered form today by reviewing our wide selection of amazing fruit powders


Zhang, John, George Oxinos, and John H. Maher. “Effect of vegetable and fruit powder mix on hypertensive subjects.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 8, no. 3 (2009): 101-106. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732245/

Sruthi, M., 2021. What Does Aronia Berry Taste Like? 7 Health Benefits. [online] MedicineNet.com. Available at: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_does_aronia_berry_taste_like/article.htm

Maule, M., 2021. Powdered Greens, Veggie Supplements, Fruit and Vegetable Capsules: Are These Better Than a Whole Food Approach? [online]. Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions. Available at: https://lewis.gsu.edu/2021/08/03/powdered-greens-veggie-supplements-fruit-and-vegetable-capsules-are-these-better-than-a-whole-food-approach/

Cleveland Clinic. 2021. Difference Between Soluble & Insoluble Fiber. [online]. Available at: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/whats-the-difference-between-soluble-and-insoluble-fiber/


Fruit powders are incredibly versatile, highly nutritious, and exceptionally flavorful!

It's likely that your favorite fruit is now available year-round, offering the same taste and nutrition you expect.

How is this achieved?

Once your favorite fruit is freeze-dried or carefully dehydrated, it is ground into a powder.

The dehydrated powder perfectly preserves most of the nutrition (about 95%). We then store it in a temperature-controlled environment sealed in an airtight pouch before carefully transporting it from our warehouse to dinner tables all over the world.

But the question is:

Are fruit powders as good as eating fresh
apples, blueberries, or other super fruits?

Our wonderful customers say “yes!” 

While this answer may surprise you, here are 10 incredible benefits of fruit powders:

1. Fruit powders are full of flavor

Fruit powders are typically so delicious and nutritious because they are more concentrated than the whole fresh fruit. Before milling the fruit into a powder, the drying process extracts the water, which leaves a more flavorful concentrated pulp. This enhances the flavor and nutritional profile of the fruit. 

You can use the powders to add color and texture to food and drinks by using them in place of artificial flavors and colors. From a deep blue acai berry to delicious red tart cherry, you literally get the best part of your favorite fruits, rich in the same colors and flavors you know and enjoy.

2. Fruit powders retain high levels of nutrition

Unlike “natural flavors” that are so common in most of today’s processed foods, our fruit powders have no artificial chemicals and no additives that inhibit the natural nutritional value. 

Instead, our fruit powders retain about 95% of their nutritional potency, so they are reliable sources of essential antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and fiber.

For example, our Freeze-Dried Organic Goji Berry Powder packs 500 times more vitamin C than an equivalent orange while containing more beta carotene than carrots. And our Organic Apple powder contains all 18 naturally occurring amino acids, magnesium, potassium, zinc, pectin, fiber, and other nutrients you’d expect from a fresh apple. 

3. Fruit powders are very versatile

Fruit powders let you get extra creative with your recipes and favorite foods. Whether you want to boost your recipe's nutrient profile or infuse it with vibrant colors and flavors, fruit powders let you have fun and experiment with wonderfully healthy food! 

Fruit powders really are the darlings of cooks and bakers because of their concentrated flavor and considerable shelf life. In short, you can use your fruit powders as snacks, sprinkled on yogurt, in smoothies, in baking, making beverages, nutrition bars, sweets, and much more!

4. Fruit powders are a friend to vegan and vegetarian lifestyles

If you choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, fruit powders open up a healthy, wide array of wonderful options. For example, our Coconut milk powder is an absolutely awesome substitute for people who prefer a dairy-free alternative, have lactose intolerance, or are allergic to animal milk. Plus, it's loaded with healthy fats and tastes delicious.

Our coconut milk powder is just one example. Our Organic Cashew Milk Powder made from raw cashews, which are technically considered a fruit, is another absolutely delicious vegan option.

5. Fruit powders may support healthy digestion

Many of our fruit powders are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which may support a healthy digestive system and act as prebiotics to feed your probiotics resulting in overall digestive health.

A great example is Organic Noni Fruit Powder which contains components that may promote healthy digestion. Our raw, whole fruit, organic Noni powder may help support a healthy digestive system and support healthy energy and overall vitality. You might also look to our Organic Baobab fruit powder.

6. Fruit powders are rich in antioxidants

Most fruit powders, such as Purple Aronia powder, have beneficial antioxidant properties. This purple powerhouse berry is packed with polyphenols and has one of the highest antioxidant scores (ORAC) of any natural food.

Aronia berries have higher anthocyanin and flavonoid levels than blueberries, cranberries, pomegranates, and acai berries! The secret to Purple Aronia's power lies in its deep coloring. Their intense purple color is the result of a potent concentration of antioxidant phytochemicals.

Our freeze-dried blueberry powder is a treasure trove of antioxidants like anthocyanins, vitamin C, B complex, vitamins E and A, copper, selenium, manganese, zinc, dietary fiber, iron.  

7. Fruit powders encourage a healthy immune system response

Getting great nutrition means ensuring you supply your body with the right nutrients to fuel a proper immune system in response to harmful invaders. A deficiency in essential nutrients can affect how the body's immune system responds. 

For example, our Organic Freeze-dried Acai berry powder contains an optimal combination of essential amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E. Nutrients like these may help the immune system protect healthy cells, support growth and activity of immune cells, and may even produce antibodies. Those who aren't getting adequate nutrients such as these may have a more significant risk of bacterial, viral, and other infections.

8. Fruit powders can support a healthy weight 

Fruit powders may promote fullness, which can help your healthy weight loss journey. For instance, Baobab Fruit Powder may help curb cravings, ensuring that you eat less.

And since most fruit powders have fiber, they play a critical role in helping you minimize the amount of food you eat, providing more satiety per meal. Some fruit powders may also improve your metabolism, helping your body burn more fat while at rest.

And the best part is that fruit powders taste so good and are so full of vitamins and minerals you can freely enjoy your favorite fruit all year long instead of reaching for a highly processed soda, chip, cookie, or other snacks that will take your weight loss journey off track. Fruit powders are the best!

9. Fruit powders have a longer shelf life

No more wasting your favorite fruits because they spoiled before you could eat them!

It’s now safe to get fruit powders in 1 lb sizes, 5 lb sizes, or even in bulk quantities, knowing the excellent fruit powders you bought from Z Natural Foods have a longer shelf life than grocery store apples, raspberries, oranges, bananas, blueberries, etc.

Fruit powders have a long shelf life because of their preparation process and airtight packaging. Again, there are no added chemicals and preservatives in Z Natural Foods fruit powders; the long shelf life is because of careful attention to the best quality dehydration, freeze-drying techniques, and extremely careful, airtight packaging and storing procedures. 

10. Fruit powders are affordable

Let’s face it, buying whole fruit for daily consumption can get pretty expensive. 

And unfortunately, there is no end in sight on how high prices may go.

Our fruit powders make a lot of sense since they contain all the nutritional benefits of natural fruit and have a much longer shelf life, with most not needing refrigeration. 

In fact, you can buy fruit powders in bulk at affordable prices and take all the time you need to consume them.

We hope you enjoy our Fruit Powders

Without a doubt, fruit powders have tons of delicious benefits. 

The best thing about fruit powders is that they are always ready for you. 

Once you get used to their benefits, you might be hooked on how tasty, versatile, nutritious and affordable fruit powders truly are.

You are invited to try your favorite fruit in powdered form today by reviewing our wide selection of amazing fruit powders


Zhang, John, George Oxinos, and John H. Maher. “Effect of vegetable and fruit powder mix on hypertensive subjects.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 8, no. 3 (2009): 101-106. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732245/

Sruthi, M., 2021. What Does Aronia Berry Taste Like? 7 Health Benefits. [online] MedicineNet.com. Available at: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_does_aronia_berry_taste_like/article.htm

Maule, M., 2021. Powdered Greens, Veggie Supplements, Fruit and Vegetable Capsules: Are These Better Than a Whole Food Approach? [online]. Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions. Available at: https://lewis.gsu.edu/2021/08/03/powdered-greens-veggie-supplements-fruit-and-vegetable-capsules-are-these-better-than-a-whole-food-approach/

Cleveland Clinic. 2021. Difference Between Soluble & Insoluble Fiber. [online]. Available at: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/whats-the-difference-between-soluble-and-insoluble-fiber/