Anti-spasmodicImage of Green icon of arm muscle spasm

In Western medicine, antispasmodic agents aim to alleviate muscle spasms and convulsions, a stance supported by the FDA (Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Börsch, 1991) and the Harvard Medical School Clinical Research Programs.

Conversely, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a more holistic, etiological framework for understanding such symptoms (Chinese Medicine, Chen et al., 2017). TCM's perspective aligns with Eastern Herbalism Principles, and is backed by studies cited by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Similarly, Ayurvedic Medicine attributes spasms to 'Vata' imbalances (Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Wang et al., 2018), a viewpoint that finds support in Western Herbalism Principles, which propose botanical remedies like valerian root. The Mayo Clinic Research Information Center advocates for a multi-modal therapeutic approach, suggesting a potential synergy between Western and Eastern paradigms.

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