Crohn's DiseaseGreen icon representing crohn's disease

In Western medicine, Crohn's disease is identified as a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, characterized by symptoms such as persistent diarrhea and abdominal pain (Torres et al., 2017, Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol). Subtypes like Ileocolitis and Crohn's colitis are distinguished based on the specific regions of the GI tract involved (Baumgart & Sandborn, 2012, Lancet).

Conversely, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets Crohn's through disharmony patterns like cold and heat invasions. It posits dietary habits and emotional states as contributing factors (Bensoussan et al., 2015, Complementary Therapies in Medicine). Both paradigms offer distinct diagnostic and therapeutic frameworks, underscoring the need for additional scientific research to facilitate an integrated approach to Crohn's disease management.

Image of midsection with intestinal overlay depicting a person with Crohn's disease.
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