The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ situated beneath the liver, serving as a reservoir for bile, a liver-produced fluid essential for fat digestion. Bile is secreted into the small intestine via the central bile duct upon food intake, facilitating lipid emulsification and absorption (Shiffman et al., 2002, Journal of Hepatology).
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the gallbladder is considered a Yang organ, partnered with the liver, its Yin counterpart. According to TCM, the gallbladder plays a multifaceted role, governing digestion, decision-making, emotional well-being, and muscle and connective tissue health (Liu & Chen, 2012, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine). For instance, TCM posits that emotional states like indecisiveness or timidity are indicative of gallbladder imbalances. This integrated perspective has been the subject of interdisciplinary studies indexed in the National Institutes of Health database, which aim to reconcile Eastern and Western understandings of gallbladder function and pathology.
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