Parasites are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms, known as hosts, often causing detriment to the latter. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies parasites that cause human illnesses into three main categories: Protozoa, Helminths, and Ectoparasites. Protozoa are single-celled organisms usually transmitted through the fecal-oral route and are classified into four groups based on their locomotion mechanisms.
Helminths are multicellular and visible to the naked eye, encompassing flatworms, thorny worms, and roundworms. Ectoparasites, such as ticks, fleas, lice, and mites, are external parasites that often attach to the skin for extended periods. Clinical research, documented in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Parasitology and publications from the National Institute of Health, underscores the significance of these parasitic classifications for understanding host-pathogen interactions and developing targeted treatments.
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